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Insights Journalism®


Clearer reporting of the “news” that matters most.

There’s a lot of bad reporting in market research. Clients waste time rewriting supplier reports. Companies miss opportunities because insights are buried in dense decks. Stakeholders don’t act on research because reports are poorly written, uninspired and unclear.

RealityCheck is different because we work like journalists. A lot of people talk about storytelling. We actually know how to do it. We were founded by journalists so it’s in our DNA.

  • We report in journalistic style, leading with the “news” that matters most to you and your stakeholders.
  • We write like journalists – concise, clear and to-the-point.
  • We set out to “get the story” and report it from the moment we design your study to final report production.

We call our way of working Insights Journalism®. To learn more about it, read our eBook.

RealityCheck Insights Journalism® By Jim White, PhD., Founding Partner & President

Great insights will go unnoticed and have little impact if they are not communicated in a compelling way. People are moved by stories more than data points. Insights Journalism® is all about finding the story in your data that will maximize its impact within your organization.

In this e-book, Jim White shares some of the lessons he learned from his days as a journalist and how to apply these to reporting insights. In addition to the “Four Rules of Insights Journalism®” this overview will also address different kinds of journalistic story structures that can be applied to reporting insights, and some thoughts on how to approach data visualization and graphics from a storytelling perspective.

Download the e-book here.