Proprietary Market Research Methods
They say the best way to get different answers is to ask different questions. Our propriety methods are truly different. From deep dive insights led by our expert psychologists to our own unique spin on Design Sprints, we’ve developed a suite of fresh approaches to help you shake things up a bit.

Core Tension Psychological Interviews™
For years, top corporate marketers and innovations teams have unlocked fresh perspectives with our unique approach to innovation. Through deep-dive, one-on-one interviews conducted by our expert psychologists, we uncover profound insights into human identity and tensions to inspire messaging and new product innovation.
Discover how our Core Tension Psychological Interviews™ can be the catalyst for your next big idea.

RealityCheck’s AdvancedQual+™ is qualitative research plus scale, efficiency and validity. It takes the subjectivity out of qualitative research, giving corporate clients the confidence to decide and act.
Learn more about how we combine high-tech and high touch to deliver richer, data-driven insights.

RealityLive® Insights Communities
Most insights communities don’t go much deeper than snap polls and surface-level insights. RealityLive® Insights Communities are different. Clients turn to RealityLive® when they want deeper analysis, clearer reporting and more meaningful consumer connections from their online communities.
Learn how we can help you connect with your consumers more deeply.

Design Sprints
RealityCheck has integrated the most powerful aspects of the Sprint innovation workshop, developed by Google Ventures, for a proven, efficient way for teams to generate data-driven new product and messaging solutions…fast.

Insights Journalism®
RealityCheck was founded by journalists so clear, to-the-point reporting is in our DNA. We lead with the “news” that matters most to your stakeholders. We write like journalists – clear and concise. We set out to “get the story” from the moment we design your study to final report production.
Learn more about how we work like journalists and why it matters.